March 12, 2025

Hello Friends!

You guys know about Sitecore Users Virtual Group?

Basically its an initiative to educate the Sitecore Community and help Sitecore Enthusiasts and Sitecore Developers to know more about Sitecore.

Each month, there is a meeting organized wherein some Sitecore Expert(s) come(s) up and impart knowledge — Believe me its superb!

I follow this group right from May 19th 2011, from when I found its existence while surfing for Sitecore related stuff.

The group is sponsored by the Sitecore Technology Partner: Hedgehog Development.

To know more about the group please follow this link :

Also, recently got to know from one of my colleague Maulik Darji who is also following the group,  that they even have a

Youtube channel :

And they are keeping it updated with all the meetings! 🙂

So friends! Incase you missed any of the meetings previously organized, you don’t need to worry! Just go to this youtube channel and enjoy! 😉

Happy Learning and Happy Sitecoring! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Sitecore Users Virtual Group – An initiative to help Sitecore Users

  1. Hey, wow……. this Sitecore group pretty cool. Saw a couple of videos.. nice thanks!
    Liked the one by Alex that happened recently.

  2. Thank you for helping to spread the word about the Sitecore User Virtual Group! We currently have over 250 members around the world and are always growing. We are constantly looking for developers to present to inform us about the newest and coolest things that are happening. Be sure to tune in for all the best Sitecore information.

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