October 16, 2024

Hey guys!

In the previous post, we discussed about Frequency — The minimum threshold after which any agent would be executed.

This frequency helps us out specifically in making sure that any agent with an interval less than that of frequency will be executed only after the time interval set in frequency is elapsed! In other sense, it overwrites the interval of those agents.. Cool rite? 🙂

In here, lets have a look at what is an Agent in Sitecore and know some concepts and functionalities related to an Agent.

So, what’s a Sitecore Agent or a Job?

Sitecore supports a unique functionality of setting up some tasks as background processes.

An agent in Sitecore is a background process, which is scheduled to run at a specified interval of time.

The execution of a Sitecore agent resembles that of a Windows Service.. 🙂

This may be for any required task like performance counter logging, statistics generation, audit, some clean-up of files/records from database, anything.

In order to disable any agent or job, just put the interval to be 00:00:00. In other case, provide some required value  to the agent.

I am not going to give more details on Agents because some Sitecore experts have already done so!

So, let me just put all their work at the same place, making it easier for you guys to have a look at it and understand it thoroughly!

1. Sitecore Scheduling by Alex Shyba

2. Adding Custom Agents to Sitecore by Alex Shyba

3. Description about the Sitecore Jobs by Kiran Patil 

4. All about Sitecore Scheduing : Agents and Tasks by John West

I think the above links must be more than enough for having all the knowledge about Sitecore Agents

Happy Scheduling! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Agents or Jobs in Sitecore

    1. Hi John!
      Thanks for the appreciation.
      Please do keep referring to my blog..
      I will try my best to keep posting good stuff.
      Thanks again!

      Varun Shringarpure

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