September 7, 2024

Dear Sitecore Family,

A few months back, I had started with Sitecore MVC. A couple of weeks back, I and my collegue Bhavesh Maniya, took a presentation for our internal team on “Getting Started with Sitecore MVC”.

So I thought, why not share here, with the whole Sitecore Community, it could be helpful many.

So here it goes!

[scribd id=244702454 key=key-7Ynmf3Ij4k19HYXIXo8O mode=scroll]


Coming Soon:

  • A Demo Site on Sitecore MVC that I made while learning Sitecore MVC
  • My Learnings of designing and developing a Sitecore Project using Sitecore MVC in an effective way!

Hope this helps!

Happy Sitecore MVCing! 🙂

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