September 7, 2024


We installed Log Parser Lizard on a machine, but we were unable to parse any log file. After checking everything over and over again, we just found one error while executing the query.

The error is as follows:

CLogQueryClass: Error 80004002: The specified Input Object does not implement an IComInputContext interface [ Unknown Error]


My Friend Kiran Patil and I found a solution for this error after searching a lot for it on internet..

The solution was that we needed to Register the LogParser.dll 

Well, generally this does not happen, but in case it happens with you too, please do this step.

Go to Command Prompt (as an administrator if you are using Windows Server 2008 or Windows 7)

Go to your system drive, (or the drive in which you have installed LogParser.

write regsvr32 LogParser.dll and press enter.


To know more about Log Parser and Log Parser Lizard, click on them.

The links that we referred for the solution.

Happy Problem Solving and Happy Log Parser Lizard Querying! 🙂

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